Poverty in Pakistan

Shall Express:

In fact, poverty is on its peak in Pakistan, particularly in Balochistan. Shockingly, the national poverty rate may increase from 2.5 to 4 percent respectively to victimize less or more 5.8 to 9 million people into poverty by 2023 in Pakistan. So,  the main causes behind this include: injustice, begging, inequality, unemployment, and corruption. So, the mentioned causes are going to be elaborated briefly below.

Injustice rules over Pakistan due to that, well-qualified & well-trained works are jobless, whereas unqualified & unpunctual workers owns jobs. 

Inequality is another major cause of poverty knowingly, i .e, citizens  ( women) don’t get equal rights in the name of gender, poor people don’t get any job even if they are eligible for that, and most importantly females aren’t selected for jobs despite their eligibilities that is what causes poverty rapidly. If female, in Pakistan, could be equally prioritized , then Pakistan would have diminished poverty easily up to now.

Begging causes poverty, too. Accepted, they are poor that’s what propels them to  beg, but if they dare to work by themselves, wouldn’t it be eradicating poverty gradually? I myself have seen abled person including children and women begging for the sake of God just because they are poor. It is directly proportional to poverty, i. e beggars increase, poverty increases. And there are people, who earn honestly by working day in day out, pity on the beggars and help them financially for the sake of God. This makes the helpers/ donators also poor that of beggars, who are afraid of hard work, are already poor.

Similarly, If taking about Balochistan, 
the richest province of Pakistan, or even Pakistan entirely,  then one can observe more than 60 °/° of educated citizens are unemployed. As a result, many people move toward suicide as qualified enough and yet jobless.

No doubt, above all mentions take birth directly or indirectly from corruption that is one of the never ending factors in Pakistan. Many people are corrupt and betrayers due to which povety is increasing day by day. As corrupt people loot up the country with both hand and  don't provide founds to needy citizens completely.

At last:
The only possible way to eradicate poverty is to work honestly & enthusiastically for the sake of development of Pakistan. If every individual, department, or even leader thinks & does respectively, then poverty will no longer extend or even exist.

Enayat Azeem
Hub Chowki 


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