Let bygones be bygones, who will reconstruct the broken bridge of Gresha?

Shall Express

Before August, heavy rains poured almost every province of Pakistan. In Balochistan, they made catastrophic turbulence constantly. They had flooded detrimentally due to which a great amount of citizens became homeless and numerous people drowned in water which flowed near residential areas.
   Similarly, these recent disastrous rainfalls also severely hit Gresha, a sub-tehsil of district Khuzdar. In Gresha, rains repeatedly poured more than two months which resulted huge losses. All the roads and bridges broke and many houses fell down due to unstoppable rainstorms. Just like that, Our neighbor, Naseer's some rooms fell down in the flowing water just in front of my own eyes. Fortunately, they had saved themselves, but lost the essentials of daily uses.
  Additionally, this hazardous rains destroyed all the crops in the area. All farmers were already in loss because of high inflation as they had used generators to water the crops. As per the utilization of big engines they had used countless diesel, which was at a very high rate. Secondly, the yields of watermelon and onions could not reduce the debts of farmers in this and the previous season. So it was hoped that in this season, cotton plants might finish their debts but unfortunately heavy rains submerged and destroyed the cotton fields at all.

The destroyed cotton plants 

   In this difficult time, government of Balochistan did not bother to support the victims. It is a shame for the current government of Balochistan that Baloch Yaktaje committee (BYC) , which is a nou-governmental organization, came up with enthusiasm to help out the people of Gresha in that inconvenient period of time.

Rations being distributed by BYC

     And most importantly, This all happened because of recklessness of federal government, which has constructed a link road under CPEC and construction company has made in a big river a small bridge which could not pass much water and water turned left side directly to a village namely Gowarasth. The half of the village became under water and lands and crops were devastated completely.

The submerged village, Gowarasth

The broken bridge of Gresha 

   Furthermore, the residents blocked the road for three days and demanded for a sufficient bridge but the engineer and the administration of district Khuzdar asserted that if it rains or shines they are unable to construct another bridge as surveyor has not suggested that despite it is the biggest river in this link road.

Residents demanding for a sufficient bridge 

    On the other side, the residents affirmed that they had known this bridge does not pass water which flow through this river. And according to them, they had not agreed to construct the bridge but the higher authorities forcibly has done it so. 
    Eventually, there was not any suitable way out at that time so the engineer broke the road near the bridge so that water can flow smoothly. And then it became a big disturbance for us, who are opposite side of the river. When it rains, we can not go anywhere as all the facilities are that side of river, be it bazaar, public transports, commercial transports and many more. Even the MPA of district Khuzdar, Younas Aziz Zehri visited the victimized village that time but he didn't announce a bill for the construction of an adequate bridge rather he consoled the victims that everything will be right as rain timely.

Destructions in Gresha 

    Moreover, after passage of three months, a number of questions have raised viz: who is actually responsible to build a bridge if the engineer, the district administration and even MPA of the district are powerless? And which specific role has the government of Balochistan played during inconvenient period of time for helpless residents of Gresha? So as a native of Gresha, I could not see any governmental organization supporting the helpless families at the time of that catastrophic turbulence. So let bygones be bygones and concern authorities should look forward to reconstruct the bridge. If not, government of Balochistan will be blamed, if again rains made anymore turmoil in the area. 

 Hatir Aslam


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