Poverty in Pakistan

Shall Express:

Poverty is on its peak in Pakistan. As far the current situation of the country, the denizens are worried for getting a square meal in a day. If the same situations continue, the days are not far when people will die of hunger. 
   Along with the rate of poverty, the rate of crime is also increasing in Pakistan which is due to poverty. As a writer has well penned,“ poverty is the parent of crime and revolution." in fact, poverty leads to criminal activities like robbery, thefts, murder, and kidnapping so that people get their bread and butter. 
    In a day, hundred of citizens' priceless things are robbed viz: bikes, money, watches and many more. Virtually, people fight for free flour, and kill others for some money. An old lady said some heat touching lines that are,“ we have nothing to eat, I pick up rotten vegetables for my children, my five children are hungry. Almost for two to three days, we have nothing to cook neither flour nor other necessary items."
   People are unable to buy the minimum necessities of life. It has become difficult for poor families to survive. Many poor parents are unable to send their children to school. According to a saying, “ an empty mind is a devil's den." in fact, it is true__ tomorrow the very free children may get involved in anti social activities such as:thievery, pickpocketing, drug smuggling and begging. Surly, The lack of money will force them to do so.
    Unfortunately, in Pakistan, people commit suicide because of poverty, Therefore, it is suffice to say that poverty compels humans to indulge in social evils.
     It is requested to government, for the sake of God to find out a way out for those citizens who can’t afford their bread and butter and sleep with hungry stomach, and those who commit suicide to get rid of poverty. Finally, It is hopped that the government of Pakistan will soon eradicate poverty.

Bakhat Ali
Hub Chowki, Daro Hotal Marri Abad


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